Roll of Honour

This page displays the current Divisions winners back to 1952.
For divisions which no longer exist > Roll of Honour historic

2023 / 2024Staincross AManvers Park BMinsthorpe A
2022 / 2023Pontefract AManvers Park AManvers Park B
2021 / 2022Staincross AOssett AStaincross C
2020 / 2021No season due to COVID
2019 / 2020Staincross AStaincross BManvers Park B
2018 / 2019WingfieldCawthorne AHoneywell A
2017 / 2018WingfieldStaincross BShepley A
2016 / 2017WingfieldCastleford Wanderers AStaincross B
2015 / 2016WingfieldWakefield Warriors BCastleford Wanderers A
2014 / 2015WingfieldManvers Park ADenby Dale Pie Hall B
2013 / 2014WingfieldCawthorne AHoneywell
2012 / 2013WingfieldDenby Dale Pie Hall AStaincross C
2011 / 2012WingfieldStaincross BManvers Park B
2010 / 2011Wakefield WarriorsOssett ASilcoates
2009 / 2010Wakefield WarriorsStaincross BFSJH
2008 / 2009Dorothy Hymans Track Club AOssett ACawthorne
2007 / 2008Dorothy Hymans Track Club AStaincross BStaincross D
2006 / 2007Dorothy Hymans Track Club AStaincross AManvers A
2005 / 2006Dorothy Hymans Track Club AStaincross AWrenthorpe B
2004 / 2005Dorothy Hymans Track Club ARoyston ADorothy Hymans Track Club B
2003 / 2004Dorothy Hymans Track Club AStaincross AWrenthorpe A
2002 / 2003Dorothy Hymans Track Club ARoyston AField Hill B
2001 / 2002Dorothy Hymans Track Club ACudworthPenistone Sports
2000 / 2001Dorothy Hymans Track Club ADarfield ARoyston B
1999 / 2000Dorothy Hymans Track Club AField Hill BDarfield A
1998 / 1999Cudworth ADearneside AField Hill B
1997 / 1998Cudworth ACudworth DardsSpringvale B
1996 / 1997Cudworth AField Hill ARyhill B
1995 / 1996Cudworth ARyhill AInter Sports A
1994 / 1995Cudworth ACudworth BField Hill A
1993 / 1994Cudworth ARoyston ADartonians (3E)
1992 / 1993Cudworth AHoyland AWombwell (3E)
1991 / 1992Cudworth ABarnsley Health ARoyston A (3E)
1990 / 1991Cudworth APenistone ADarfield A (3E)
1989 / 1990Havercroft AHoyland ARyhill A (3E)
1988 / 1989Cudworth AHolgate ADartonians A (3E)
1987 / 1988Havercroft ARockingham ACrofton A (3E)
1986 / 1987Cudworth AYMCA ARockingham A (3E)
1985 / 1986Havercroft AHolgate ARoyston A (3E)
1984 / 1985Havercroft AHavercroft BSportsman Y A (3E)
1983 / 1984Havercroft AThurnscoe AHepworth A (3E)
1982 / 1983Havercroft ASpringvale AHolgate A (3E)
1981 / 1982Cudworth Syndale Road ADartonians AThurnscoe Comp A (3E)
1980 / 1981Cudworth Syndale Road AHavercroft BDartonians A (3E)
1979 / 1980Havercroft ACudworth Brn Rd AWest Yorks DOPET A (3E)
1978 / 1979Havercroft ADarfield ASpringvale B (3E)
1977 / 1978Dorothy HymanDenby Dale BHoyland Sports C
1976 / 1977Dorothy HymanHavercroft ADarfield B
1975 / 1976Dorothy HymanInternational SportsHoyland Sports Centre B
1974 / 1975Dorothy HymanPenistone ADenby Dale B
1973 / 1974Dorothy HymanDenby Dale AInter Sports
1972 / 1973Cudworth Syndale Road APenistoneQualter Hall B
1971 / 1972Monk BrettonDarfieldDenby Dale A
1970 / 1971Cudworth Syndale Road ARockingham ACudworth Brn Rd B
1969 / 1970Cudworth Syndale Road BArdsleyDarfield A
1968 / 1969Springvale ARoyston ASpringvale B
1967 / 1968Cudworth Syndale Road ASt Georges AGrimethorpe Y Club
1966 / 1967CudworthHoyland TownQualter Hall A
1965 / 1966Worsbro Dale ARockinghamSt Georges
1964 / 1965Worsbro AAthersley ARockingham
1963 / 1964Monk Bretton ABrettonSpringvale
1962 / 1963Monk BrettonHemsworth
1961 / 1962Rockingham ACudworth Syndale
1960 / 1961Rockingham AMonkton
1959 / 1960Hemsworth AFarrar Street
1958 / 1959Worsborough Social AUpton
1957 / 1958Hemsworth A
1956 / 1957Monk Bretton A
1955 / 1956Hemsworth A
1954 / 1955Monk Bretton A
1953 / 1954Monk Bretton A
1952 / 1953YMCA